The Société Démographique Francophone de Belgique (SDFB) and the Vereniging Voor Demografie (VVD) organized jointly the 4th edition of the Belgian Demography Day on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, on the campus of the UCLouvain University (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). This edition is co-organized by the DEMO Research Center (UCLouvain) and is sponsored by the PSAD school (UCLouvain) and the IACCHOS Research Center.
The organizing team was composed of researchers and PhD students from UCLouvain, KULeuven, UAntwerpen and VUB.
During the day, 30 Belgian and international researchers presented their work in the field of population studies, including topics on fertility, mortality, migration, family, ageing, and health. Pr. Karel Neels (UAntwerpen, Belgium) gave a keynote speech entitled « Demography and the Data Revolution ».
Winners of the Verhulst Price received their prize and presented their master thesis at the end of the day.
We thank the organizing universities, the DEMO Center, the VVD, the SDFB, the PSAD school and the IACCHOS research center for their collaboration and help during the day! We also thank all of the participants, coming from Belgium, Sweden and China!